Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

07 August 2012

One step forward two steps back

Here is Emi in the pack and play next to our bed. It seems baby #3 gets to sleep within arms reach of her mommy at all times- something that was NEVER allowed with #1 and #2.

She was "sleeping" (if that's what we're calling it) in her crib for the last month, but that didn't work out so well. And, since I'm not a huge fan of sleep deprivation we've decided to let Em crash with us.

So far so good.

While she's still not sleeping all that great, she is much easier to get to and to put BACK to sleep after a middle of the night snack. All I have to do is roll over and either pick her up or replace that Nuki when screams of request come my way. This is much better then running down the hall every time praying she doesn't wake the other two sleeping beauties.

Now we just need to spread out those middle of the night feedings.

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