Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

27 October 2009

I actually have a free minute and decided to come on here and update you all, assuming of course that some of you actually still read this after my LONG delay of posting.

October already. Time flying has taken on new meaning in our house. I cannot believe that we've been through 2 months of our new life already. Part of me feels as if it's gone by in a flash and another part really feels as if this has been the longest two months of my life.

Things are good. I am being humbled as a doctoral student in Special Education and Educational Administration and Policy studies, Daddy is embracing his new Mr. Mom role with skill and the girls are trying out their new role as full time students as well; and, as if one would feel when breaking in new shoes, there has been some pain along the way.

The good news is that we're still having a ton of fun! We've managed two trips to Disney, entertained our best friends the Mckinney's as house guests and gotten to see a whole lot of Nani and Gagi, to name a few!

What else:
-Here is Taylor and Ana drawing in Taylor's new class.... isn't she so happy here?

-Cute little School Girl Ana getting ready for her day.

-Daddy partook in another bike race. This one was for Brain Cancer research and he rode in honor of Grandpa Bobby (btw he took 2nd over all).

-Above you see the girls as true ballerinas taking their first dance class with friends (oh what would we do without friends). They are the two in the far back side by side.

25 August 2009


for all of us.... today marks the day our life changes!!!!!!!!!!!

Taylor starts her first day of school, Ana begins as a PK-4 student in the "big building" and I start my USF work.

ALTHOUGH, Ana had a fever last night so we'll see what reality brings us this AM upon waking.  Wouldn't it be just perfect if Ana, after not being sick since her tonsils were out last fall, gets sick for her first day.  We would ALL be really sad, even little Ana who is SO VERY excited to be in the "big building" this year :)

stay tuned for pictures!!!

20 August 2009

Here we are!!!!

Click on this link and check it out- 

Erin, you never cease to amaze me

THANK YOU for capturing us.  Some words I DO NOT share lightly, "we are truly BLESSED to have you in our life"


26 July 2009

Ballerina Girl

Here you see Taylor sporting her summer uniform. Every morning, out Taylor strolls from her bedroom, nuki in mouth (yes SHE STILL SLEEPS WITH A PACIFIER AND YES SHE IS THREE) literally yelling, "mommy help me unside out my ballerina and tights.  I want to be a ballerina".  And every day I INSIDE OUT her tights and leotard and leotard and put her in her summer attire.  Yes, I said EVERY DAY and I mean EVERY DAY!

We wear this to the park, the Y, the pool, stores, the doctor, the dentist, the library, the......
get the picture :)

Isn't she ADORABLE!?


Ana is becoming such a big girl, first sentence writing and now a loose tooth.  Today, she bit into an apple and complained of her tooth hurting.  Of course I thought, "oh great, a cavity".  She showed me which tooth it was, lower center in the front.  I looked around and didn't see any signs of decay so I pushed on it... really just to see if it was tender to the touch, never once thinking that it may be loose (I mean come on she's barely four) and it gave a little wiggle.  Nothing too drastic, but a definite wiggle.  

I then excitedly yelled, "Oh Ana, you have a loose tooth."  Now, given that she has no idea what it means to have a loose tooth, this scared her and she gave me her typical "dear in head lights" look that she does when she's attempting to process new information.  It's as if she's literally searching her brain for past information to tie into.  This time she had nothing but scary thoughts of teeth falling out and pain to pull from.  No one she knows has gone through this yet. 

I quickly sat her on my lap, and Daddy and I explained all about grown up teeth, the need to make room for them, the role of baby teeth, yada, yada, yada..... then.....

Dun Da Dun....... we told her all about the infamous Tooth Fairy.

OH BOY, now she's excited.  Prior knowledge or not..... She has officially decided that this loosing tooth business is COOL STUFF!!

Stay tuned for details.

(auntie Erin I'm very selfishly REALLY hoping the tooth stays in for the next 2 weeks.  I really don't want a toothless Ana in our pix)

25 July 2009

Ana's first fully INDEPENDENT sentence

4 yrs, 4 months old.
I am beyond impressed with this one.  This is FULLY independent. Ana needed to apologize to me for being quite naughty if she was going to go to the party at our local Y last night...... I told her that she would need to "write me an apology" not thinking it would be much more than some scribbles.

So away she went to grab some paper and a pen.  I could hear her (I was so mad at her I couldn't be in the same room as her) in the background sounding out the words very slowing, focusing in on each sound.

Here is what I got.... 

MAM  (Mom)
i AM SRRY (I am sorry)

...needless to say she was forgiven and PRAISED all night long.  

I guess I don't know what other 4 year olds do when asked to "write an apology", but I do know that I used to work on this with my 1st graders when teaching.  

I have never done anything like this with her, never asked her to write anything other than her name, and have no idea where she learned all these concepts of print that are displayed on the picture.  

AMAZING little Ana continues into her preschool years, oh what will the future bring with our little braniac?? :) :)  


23 July 2009

Ana's new "DO"

Sorry this is so small... I dragged it over from facebook...... just wanted to get it up quick while thinking of it.

It's ADORABLE and Ana sat still the entire 20 minutes, sweetly tilting this way and that for Alicia at Sweet and Sassy!!!!!!!!

Erin Teplin Photography



19 July 2009

A new Family Car!!!

We've had the same car since pre-children, until now...............  We've upgraded and while Ana's first reaction was, "I don't like this car" the built in booster and DVD PLAYER have coaxed her into true love for the new family car- a Volvo XC90.

The funny thing is that our BFF's from Nashville (the McKinney's) have this same car (they are credited for our XC90 desire) and now my parents have purchased one as well.  So, on our upcoming trip home- the trip where the McKinney's are joining us- 314 Lac La Belle Drive will have not one, not two, but THREE volvo XC90's sitting in the driveway. GOOD STUFF!

What can I say, it' a great car with decent gas mileage, for a 7 seater SUV anyway.

Here we say good bye to the loyal and wonderful Subaru Forester family car, it's been upgraded!  It's been all over with us and could tell quite the Toson story if able!
BYE BYE Forester, you've been good to us but now it's time for you to move on and us to move up.

18 July 2009

Remembering the fun

So.  To be perfectly honest with you all, I've been a bit blah lately.... I haven't been feeling 100%, I've been exhausted and hot ALL THE TIME (NO I'M NOT PREGNANT for those of you who's mind just has to go there with me) and poor little Ana and Tay Tay have been taking the brunt of it.

So today, as I grunted around the house half complaining/half disciplining over the never ending to do list of dirtiness (laundry, floors, bathrooms, toys, yada, yada, yada) and waiting for the call form Justin who was on his AM long bike ride, I looked at Ana and said, "Mommy is CRABBY and needs the beach so get your suit and LET'S GO BEFORE I get mean".  Really, that's what I said to her.  

She whined about not wanting to go- it WAS 8 AM, and she HAD just woken up, and her favorite AM activity IS to play with her sister (inevitably messing EVERYTHING that I cleaned up from the night before) so I now see where she was coming from, but I was in NO MOOD.  So I again repeated, this time a bit more firmly, my above statement, "Mommy is CRABBY and needs the beach so get your suit and LET'S GO BEFORE I get mean".  

It was then that sweet Ana ran from room to room brushing her teeth, going potty getting her swim suit on and guiding Taylor in the process as well ALL ON HER OWN (you see I KNEW she is capable of it).  We were off and in the car in 5 minutes flat with no struggles over shoes, outfits, snacks, etc.....

By the time we crossed the causeway bridge with a clear blue sky and teal blue water my crabbies were gone, and we had a GREAT DAY!.......  Sometimes we all just need to remember the fun and let go of the "to-do's"!

Thanks for getting mommy her fun back girls!

Art Center

A GREAT SUMMER FIND!  The Dunedin Art Center.  This place has an indoor art play room with all things art.  They totally re design it every year so the kids always have fresh interactions of which to explore.  This year (changing in August) there is a stage with different backdrops, green screens and lighting buttons, painting centers, story illustrations, computerized graphics to make, and many, many, many more things!!!!!!!  IT IS CHEAP AND FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN!!!  
Not to mention the great little organic cafe attached for healthy and inexpensive lunches.
For you locals- I HIGHLY rec. this place if you haven't been yet!
Here the girls are with BFF Emma, acting out Little Red Riding Hood.  Tay was the Grandma, Emma Little Red Riding Hood and Ana the wolf.  Emma's big brother was the director!  They did this all on their own and put on a great show for us moms!

Illustrating a fable on huge story books with magnetic words and pictures- I'd LOVE to line the walls of the playroom with this..... teachers- this is A GREAT IDEA for the classroom!!!

A HUGE felt lined acquarium play area.  Tay spent a long time in here finding all the pieces and arranging them like this.  It was incredibly purposeful!  Turned out great, didn't it!

The four BFF together exploring their inner artist!!!!! (Emma, Ana, Taylor and Michael- and of course a dinosaur in Ana's hand)


The summer heat is actually starting to get a little old so we're finding indoor activities.  We have a local Museum of Science and Industry (nothing like Chicago's but still fun) which we are now members of.  It's got a perfect size kid center and can waste a great morning!!!!

Taylor was too quiet

I should always know she is up to no good when the house is quiet.  You see, little Tay is ANYTHING but quiet...... the other day I was enjoying a moment of peace after dinner, only to turn the corner to MY BATHROOM and find this!

Taylor was covered head to toe in Dial antibacterial foaming soap- it was brand new and now it is empty!!

She really thought she was funny.  I started to get angry at first look, but then really just had to start laughing.  I mean really, it's funny, isn't it?????

17 July 2009

Mommy's New DO

I figured with all the changes comin' I should change up my look as well.  I'm still deciding how I feel about it, but it IS DIFFERENT!  Ana loves it and Taylor does not.  She just stared at me for  along time in astonishment when I walked in and then eventually said, "I like your long hair".  She always has been slower to handle changes...... hopefully that's not a foreshadow for what's to come this fall!!!

11 July 2009

Changes are a comin'

Tampa Campus

It is all set now... classes are registered for, assistantship is official and the girls care is lined up.  Yes, family and friends our life is about to CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE....

It has been a stressful week for me (and therefore poor Justin as he attempted to support my rants and obsessive debating) as we dealt with a much more strenuous schedule reality for me.  I will be on campus working 3-4 full days, and in class from 4:45-9 pm M, T, W and Thursday.  YIKES! The good news is I "should" have most of Fridays off.

We debated the following: school only, school and nanny or just nanny (the latter not really an option given the ages of the girls) and decided firmly and securely on school only.
Our little girls are entering the world of full-time institutionalized care, and our wonderful Daddy is entering the world of taking his share of kid care responsibility.  He'll have nights.  I'll have mornings. There is no way around it.  On Daddy's travel days we'll get friends or sitters to help out.  

WOW, a HUGE change for everyone.  We're going from full-time mommyness to a true dual working household overnight- YIKES!!!!!!

The day for our peanuts will be 9-12 in class and then 12-5/6 in wrap around care called Power Pals.  

We're really psyching this up for them.  Telling them how lucky they are that they get to be a power pal now that they're so smart and such big girls..... yada yada.  It's working so far.  They're psyched to be a power pal.  We will see how they feel when the reality of what being a power pal really means hits them, but until then it's all smiles and excitement!

This all start August 24th, after our 2 week trip back home for some good WI summer fun (those of you up there- can you please fix the weather by then!!!??)

And as I sit here and look back upon all the fun days with my girls I am crying (literally) already missing them, but know we will all adjust and IT IS TIME for me to fulfill my other dreams-  WATCH OUT USF, HERE I COME!!!!

Wish us luck, and stayed tuned for results...........

Disney Part V- Epcot

More pictures to come (mom has them)
Rest assured this day was AMAZING.  We opened the park, closed the park and came back another day for more.  This was the only day we got POURED on, but like true Disney Goers that didn't stop us!!!!!

We weren't sure how the girls were going to do with Epcot, from my memory it was for adults.  Boy was 100% WRONG.  This park was Taylor's FAVORITE and she even requested to come back!  They had "kidcot" stations all over the park with arts and crafts and little charms to add to a mask.  They also had cool boat rides and shows, not to mention a Tinker Bell Park and NEMO ride, Turtle Talk with Crush and an indoor aquarium.  SO... for those of you who think Epcot isn't for little ones, think again.  You've been missing out on one of the spots for them.  Go Disney!

Disney Part IV- Princess Breakfast

This was hands down the highlight of the girls trip, especially Ana.  Look at her watching the princesses come into the dining room.  She was beyond amazed.  We all took in each moment watching the girls live their magic.  They were picture perfect!

As you've seen before, the highlight of Taylor's week was meeting all her favorite stars, so you can imagine how she felt when we brought her into the Epcot Castle to be a special guest at breakfast with ALL the Disney princesses.  Even Ana got over her shyness.  They dressed up like Belle and really took it all in!!!!  On the "list" of attendees was Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, Arial and one more.  Jasmine wasn't there, but never fear we found her later with beau Aladdin over at Magic Kingdom a different day!

09 July 2009

Princess camp

This summer Ana and all her little girlfriends from school got to partake in every girls dream- being a princess for an entire week.  Princess dance camp is what it was.  Each day they focused on a different Disney Princess- wearing their fancy dresses, doing dances, art projects, makeup, hairdo's, etc...  The culmination was then a princess dance show for all the parents and siblings.  They had a blast and enjoyed every moment of "princesshood"!!!!!!

Here they are....

27 June 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Taylor Lorraine

This year Taylor had quite a celebration.  It started out with the Toson tradition of a decorated door leading down a present trail to the special breakfast table and then took us to the Nick Hotel where she got to have a special birthday party with Sponge Bob, sleep in a Dora room with her BFF Ana, have a party with Dora and a special breakfast.  Then, we had a day Cocoa Beach body boarding and last, but not least, a special party play group with all her new little friends here.  It was truly the birthday that never ended!  Thank you everyone for all the amazing gifts!!!!! 

26 June 2009

Art by Ana

Ana is really into computers lately.  Ours has a nifty little camera built right in, which we typically use to video chat with Nani and Gagi, but Ana took it to new levels and created this ALL ON HER OWN.   Truthfully, she was messing with the computer for awhile a few days ago and I finally got a chance to look around and see what she did.  There is a whole line of these "self portraits" but this is BY FAR my favorite!  I have NO IDEA how she did this, but I'm thinking of getting it printed really big on canvas and displaying it.....

22 June 2009

Danskin Orlando Triathlon

For those of you who didn't believe........ PROOF that I did it!!!!