Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

29 September 2008

Nani and Gagi's September visit

The month just isn't complete without Nani and Gagi.  This weekend we took Westchase by storm with them.  Instead of checking out all greater Tampa has to offer we kept it local and walked to it all right here.

We welcomed them with open arms.

-did dinner in the village each night

-strolled the farmers market for some Ana made pottery and fresh fruit

-owned the playground "making pizza and doughnuts"

-"showered" in the splash park

- swam like fish in our own pool...

....at the end of it all had we had two rosy, and very tired, cuddly sisters

AND, YES!  That is Ana swimming across the pool- I forget that it's still odd for others to see 3 year olds actually swimming, but that is what she does- swim.

Halloween Preview

We are all into Halloween this year.  Thanks to Grandma Mary we'll have the spooky yard (pictures to come) and Ana and Taylor are all pumped up to trick or treat for some goodies- thanks to Dora's Halloween.

Here is a little preview before the big day----

Is it Ariel, or is it Ana? 

23 September 2008

A Peaceful State of Being

Boone, North Carolina- a little piece of heaven.

Nana and Modad opened their home and hearts to us again as we spent a mountain weekend reviving our spirits.

Here they are with all the girls.  We miss you!!  Thank you for yet another most amazing weekend.  

Not a bad sight to awaken and fall asleep to.  Perhaps one day we'll have a little piece of paradise for ourselves, but until then Nana and Modad will have to keep on loving us as their own :)

FALL WEATHER and good hikes to the waterfalls.  You know how we love waterfalls!
We had a friendship reunion in Boone with our bestest friends- Lynn, Jared, Emma and Abby.  Nana and Modad (Jared's parents) treated us as royalty again... and our spirits are revived!

Best friends reunited.  These 2 have been known to have a love hate thing going on, but this trip was ALL LOVE!  They really missed one another.

The infamous POLARIS.  Here all the girls are off-roading with the dads.

Feeding the fish in Modad's pond.  Bear tracks have been seen here, but we didn't get a sighting.

Ana and Taylor were overjoyed to have their b-friends back!

16 September 2008

Just an after dinner stroll

How many of you can that your after dinner downtime consists of a sunset stroll on the beach-  ours does: Clearwater Beach at sunset- one of our favorite pre-bedtime routines!

Big Girl... baby steps

Here is our "big girl" Taylor sleeping away in her big girl bed, wearing undies, but still the "nuki".  I joke that she'll go to her first sleepover with it, but really she might!

13 September 2008

Mommy dating

For those of you whom've never mommy dated, let me tell you a little about it-

Mommy dating is the action of moms looking for other moms to spend many a meaningful hours with while raising children.

I call it dating bc truly that is what it is.  Any of you whom've moved with kids can attest to this- when attempting to find new friends you get all the same feelings as dating-

(1) First, when eyeing a potential new mommy friend one wonders:
-should I go talk to them
-what do I say
-will they think I'm crazy
-how do I look?  Like WT?  I really haven't slept in awhile and have no "face on".
-will we have anything in common

(2) Then while talking
-do they think I sound like an idiot
-am I wasting their time
-should I ask to see them again
-should I give out my number or ask for theirs

(3) Then after the first conversations (assuming they go well)
-when should I call
-should I wait for them to call
-did I say something stupid
-should I invite them over, or is that too forward
-maybe we should just meet somewhere safe

(4) And, if a "date" occurs you find yourself wondering the famous question:

Every time we move I go through this, and laugh at myself while engaging in it, yet can't help but have the feelings!


I tell you all this bc today we had our first "family date" at the zoo with a family here in our neighborhood whose son is in Ana's class.  

AND ....



I must've not sounded too stupid- we're going over to their house for dinner- risky move, but we're strong people!

10 September 2008


THAT'S RIGHT!  Taylor is officially OUT OF DIAPERS!  

Stayed tuned for undie shots!

(note: during awake hours only.  I don't count sleeping)

Home Sweet Home

You asked for them, so here they are.  Shots of our new "home" in as is condition.

Moving and Friendships: thoughts

I was sitting (yes sitting- if you are a life long friend or nuclear family member of mine you'll understand) in the shower today thinking about friendship and the effect moving has on it.  I was thinking this:

The greatest thing(s) about moving all the time is-

1- you can be whomever you want to be as you throw yourself out there to make new friends

2- you really learn who you are as you experiment with new aspects of "youness"

3- you get "reduced" to your highest common denominator of self by those who know you through your moves (ie family, friends from home, friends that remain close after you leave,...)

4- (the one I think is THE BEST) you get to watch your children evolve socially and personally as they too throw themselves out to the lion of new experiences

So truthfully , all this means is that, while by being in a constant state of motion our children may be termed "gypsies" by some of you, I see our lack of latency as a guarantee that the core four of us here are only becoming better with each move, honing in on those traits that make us shine as individual interdependent beings in this crazy world!  And as a wife and a mom, that really excites me!

09 September 2008

Westchase Village

Here's a little window into our new neighborhood.  

This is the village center.  Filled with ice cream shops, coffee houses, live music, Sat. farmers market, clothing boutiques, art galleries, restaurants, movie nights, etc....  

The best part is that it's only a few blocks away.  We walk here almost every day.  

Attached via tunnels and walking trails are the tennis courts, swimming pools and large playground/park.  Could life get any better?

Nani and Gagi swim with the girls

Nani and Gagi came to visit us Labor Day weekend and had a blast with the kids in the pool!


I've said this before and I'll say it again, "the best part of living away in the south is all our visitors".  This weekend we got our great friends Auntie Erin and Sam.  The kids had a great time- we played, we swam, we ate, and we walked to the ice cream shop in the village and played at the park on our way home!  Unfortunately little Matthew and daddy didn't make it, but now they just have to come back again!

Tree Frog

The poor little tree frog was so confused, not only did he think our front window was a tree, but then he had to cope with 4 little eyes peering at him from inside his "tree".  Poor thing's going to be traumatized for life.  

08 September 2008

The Circle of Life

Last weekend we headed to my second home growing up- Lido Key- a great niche in the world just off Sarasota.  This is the spot that my grandparents (or 2nd parents) spent the last great years of their life.  Growing up I traveled here so frequently it feels like coming home.  Anyone who meant something to me joined me there to share in such an important part of who I am.  I feel so blessed, and emotional, about being able now to share this special spot of my life with my very own family.  And, incredibly saddened by the fact that my Grandma (Ana Lu's namesake) and Grandpa are not here to watch with sheer joy, our girls splash in the very same waters I caught my very 1st sand dollar.  

I miss you so much Grandma and Grandpa, but know somewhere you too are enjoying Ana & Taylor's journey!  I LOVE YOU!

Florida Aquarium

The love of diving has not faltered in Ana's world and she is more than thrilled to know that Tampa has it's very own aquarium.  It was a long year in Nashville without one.

We saved the first visit for our weekend with Nani and Gagi so that they too could share the excitement with Ana.  We had to pull Ana out of the touch tank, kicking and screaming.  And both girls loved the pirate themed splash park (what kid wouldn't).  Needless to say, when each of you make your way south to visit us a trip to the aquarium will most likely make the agenda!

07 September 2008

Poopie & POTTY in the potty

For all you moms and dads out there whom've gotten the pleasure of transitioning kids from diapers to toilets , you know this is no easy task- especially when dealing with strong willed second children.  So, you can share mine and Justin's joy in the fact that today Taylor not only went potty in the toilet, but poopy too!!!  

Our children are a little different in their potty training: for both girls now the poops have come first- which you parents can attest too is typically the hardest of the 2.  Go figure why both Toson girls mastered poopy in the potty before potty, but it's the track they're on.  

For 4 straight days now Tay Tay has held her poopies until the last minute and yelled (with tears I might add- true Taylor fasion), "MOOOOOMMMMMYYYYY I go poopie" and into the toilet we go- VICTORY!  However, potties just aren't being as cooperative and for two months now she holds it all morning until naptime, which by noon she is BEGGING for bc she realizes a diaper is coming her way.  Therefore you imagine my udder JOY and bewilderment when this AM she yelled yet again, "MOOOOOMMMMMYYY poopie" and into the toilet runs little potties.  YEAH TAY TAY!

While I realize panties are a far way off for sweet Taylor- it is pure excitement and lollipops gallore over here today!

02 September 2008

We're back for good

so..... after a long and difficult road the mac blog and I have parted ways.  It is a sad sad break up, but really for the best.  

I'm turning a new leaf and going back "home" to blogger.  It is here that great things happen.

Come back often- we really are back!