Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

14 December 2005

Ummm...what? I'm supposed to be napping! HA!

This photo is priceless. Look at that look on her face. I came into the room just a few moments later and she was bent over her lap, face down, thumb in mouth, sleeping in the most uncomfortable position ever. She just can't stop exploring. Sad to say, but I think it's time to strip the crib down.
Why is it, whenever children's skills develop to where we want them, we strip them of the tools to utilize their new found skills? HMMMM...something I will have to ponder and work out over time.

I can play all by myself, thank you very much

Ana's personality is sure developing into independence quickly. She now truly demands that we allow her to play by herself for the majority of her waking hours. She loves to take big buckets of toys and purposefully pull each one out and examine it carefully. It's quite amazing to watch her brain and hands working together so harmoniously.

I can feed myself now...when I want to that is!

Decorating the Tree

Decorating the Tree, originally uploaded by Toson's.

To eat or not to eat...that is the question! Ana, as much as she loved to share in our tree decorating craziness, was quite determined to "taste test" every ornament first.

Ummmm...how do I get this down?

Ummmm...how do I get this down?, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Christmas with Grandpa T

Christmas with Grandpa T, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Grandpa and Pat spoiled me rotten this year with lots of "cool" clothes and my favorite so far....baby pooh! I wake up full of giggles while it sings away to me.

Nothing can stop me! I'll just crawl right over it.

1st Family Christmas- Chenequa's Santa Brunch

Nina and Papa invited us to share in the Chenqua Santa brunch this year. It was festive as ever and Ana had a hoot, as always, with all her cousins on the Toson side.

Santa's girl

proceserv, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Notice Santa holding Ana's hand....she kept trying to pull off his beard. Smart little thing!

Toson Family

Toson Family, originally uploaded by Toson's.


Cousin's, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Cole spreading love

Cole spreading love, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Here is cousin Cole giving Ana hugs and kisses. It is so sweet! They are only 8 months apart and will grow up to be such buddies. As you can see, they already are!

Chicago German Christmas

Chicago German Christmas, originally uploaded by Toson's.

This year we welcomed in the holiday season with the Hentges and Pettit clan. Such fun it was.

Chicago '05

Chicago '05, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Christmas time is here, and as is tradition with Justin and I we brought in the season in Chicago, the Friday after Thanksgiving, visiting the German Christmas booths and the Tree. It was COLD that day, so Ana stayed bundled up in her cozy stroller.