Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

26 June 2007

Happy 1st Birthday Taylor

Wow, it's been a year of all years and dear Taylor is 1!!!

For her birthday (picures are coming... I left the card in WI) we did a RUBBER DUCKIE theme. Why, you ask..... well, this is because her 1st word -after the common DADA that all kids tend to get- was "cak cak" for duck and she continues her LOVE of Ducks....

favorite book: FIND THE DUCK
favorite tamtrum distraction: "Taylor, what does a duckie say?"
favorite toy: Her bathtime rubber duckie
favorite daily activity: Taking a bath with Mr. Duckie
favorite things to point out when out around town: ANY AND EVERY DUCK

...you get the picture...

so, imagine her delight when she showed up at the park for her very own party, filled with duckies!!! pure bliss

The 1 year old stats-
weight: 24 lbs (90%)
(yes, she is loosing weight, but the dr. is glad to see this as she has made it back on the charts)
Height: 31 5/8 inches (80%)
Head Circ: 17 5/8 (35%)

This girl is a talker just like her sister.. I stopped counting at 30+ words, she picks up new words and animals sounds by the minute.

My favorite:"doe do da" while shaking her finger at me and looking back and forth between myself and the forbidden action/object of desire.

Motor Skills:
Crawling and cruising. Walking with assistance, 2 or 1 hands.
So... she's a little big and hard to get up, but don't let that fool you... while she may not be walking this kid is a BULLDOZER. She is such a climber.

My Favorite: crawling onto the chairs, over their backs and right up onto the SMALL SQUARE coffee table. Now, for those of you who don't realize the size of Taylor, let me give you a visual.... if hands and feet are all down in crawling position 2 out of the four land beyond the surace area of this table...... DANGER DANGER DANGER

BYE BYE BOTTLE, hello spoon and fork.
That's right, no more finger food. Taylor now demands self feeding with a fork or spoon "booboo". It's quite funny to watch. She still needs a little help scooping and piercing, but she is amazingly independent at this as she stares at her sister and imitates oh so skillfully.

And yes, the bottle is gone baby gone, gone, gone. HALLALUJAH!!!! I hated washing those things.

Taylor's 1 year Top 10 List:
#1 ANA "aaannnda" (I don't know where that /d/ comes from)
#2 Rubber Duckies "cak cak"
(we have a tie for #3)
#3 Cars "cah"
#3 Balls "boh"
#4 Books "beh"
#5 Bath time "baa" or "bubble"
#6 Climbing (up stairs, chairs, ladders, tables, jungle gyms........)
#7 Songs- All Star (from Shrek) & Hot Potatoe (Wiggles) & Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
#8 Itsy bitsy Spider (follows along doing the finger actions)
#9 Peek a boo (she now plays this with us using blankets or furniture. SO CUTE)
#10 Swinging "weeeeee"
#10 Dancing and playing instraments (this girl can move)