Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

30 January 2006

Ana on fire

104 degrees on fire (for two days now) that is! What is it with this girl and fevers? No symptoms. Just 104 degrees with blue lips and the shivers. A virus I'm told. Translation: do nothing and wait it out. So that's what we're doing-nothing. Thank goodness we have Grandpa/Dr. Grandpa to check in on us, otherwise I'd be going bonkers given that we (her and I, no daddy this time) leave for Mexico in one week and I refuse to go there with the question of "what's wrong with my baby". Foreign hospitals. No thank you.

So, keep your fingers crossed that we can get this high fever under control. I'll keep you posted.

09 January 2006

ER's, shots and Grandpa to the rescue!

So we did it...brought Ana to the ER that is. She has been a bit under the weather for quite some time now, had a steroid shot from the doctor on Friday for chest congestion and wheezing (croup), and spiked a fever on Saturday (go figure, the day the office was closed). Her doctor told me Friday that she needed to be seen immediately if (1) she was wheezing or (2) she got a fever. Well, since #2 occured... off we went. Thank goodness Dr. Grandpa was working that shift b/c Ana thought it was playtime while Grandpa examined away. Turned out to be nothing other than para influenza...aka "the flu" (maybe I should have gotten her that flu shot this year...oops!) and home we went with some cough syrup and Motrin in hand.

The mild fever continues, as does coughing and lethargy, but other than that she's still happy and playful Ana. I tell ya, it would take a bull dozer to knock this girl down.

05 January 2006

2005...A Year in Reflection

Looking back into 2005 I can't help but get a bit teary eyed. This has truly been the most challenging and rewarding year of my life. So many life passages have occured, and here we still are, happy and fulfilled as ever.

To begin the year we were blessed with our little bundle of love in March, Ana Lucille...I wonder every day what on earth we did before she arrived. I can't even imagine how empty life must have been (and we didn't even know of the void).

Her middle name, Lucille, came from my Grandma, who was a second mother to me. She is someone I will never let go of and I had to have Ana share her with me. I know Grandma is just so proud looking down on her little baby (me) with another little baby so full of love. We think about and talk about her almost everyday, so I know Ana will grow to love her as much as I. We also lost my Grandfather this year, a father to me as well, but he hung on to be able to meet and spend some quality time with Ana. Those are memories and pictures my family and I will cherish forever. I wouldn't be the same mother without the 2 of them in my life, therefore Ana is forever touched by their love.

Over the year Ana has developed into quite the amazing little creature. She is taking after mom and dad in her love for travel. So far she's made it to Florida and Colorado and has a Mexico and another Florida trip coming up soon. She does remarkable on planes and sleeps fine where ever she is. Speaking of sleeping...and other firsts, here is a
2005 milestones list:
Slept through the night: 8 weeks
First Smile: 2 months
First tooth: 4 months to the day (in Colorado)
Second Tooth: 5 months
Third tooth: 7 months
Fourth Tooth: 8 Months
Fifth and Sixth Tooth: 9 months
Sat up on her own: 5 months
Army crawl: 8 months
REAL CRAWLING (my newest trick): 9 1/2 months
Pull up to standing: 9 1/2 months

Current Vocabulary/Communication:
Dada = Daddy
Dah Te = Dexter/Doggie
at = Cat
Mama = Mommy
Baba = bottle
smacking lips together = FEED ME
Biting = PUT ME TO BED
Arms up = pick me up
Thumb to Palm = More Please
Clapping = Look what I just did
Waving = hi and bye
Screaming, lip quivering and feet stamping = GIVE THAT BACK TO ME
(yes, Ana has officially learned how to throw a full blown TEMPER TANTRUM)

Of course don't let me fool you...these are no where close to 100% consistent, but they are very close and if you follow through accordingly she gives you the largest squeal and smile known to man...and if you don't..WATCH OUT!

Ana is still in therapy for her torticollis, which true to our stubborn blood (from mommy that is) doesn't seem to be going away as hoped. So away we work at it, stretch, strengthening,...drill after drill. But, Ana loves both of her therapists and we know in time, even if a brace is necessary, it will all work out. The good thing is that the tight neck is not getting in the way of her other developments. So in our world, this is quite minor. We're just thankful for good care.

As you can see, (while many other things did occur: graduated from UWM with my master's, quit teaching, started my PhD, sold our condo, moved to the 'burbs- Oconomowoc, ...) 2005 to me is all about Ana...who, in 2006, will reach another huge passage in her life..sisterhood!

That's right, in June, God willing, our family will grow to add another addition and Ana will have to share center stage. Something I know she is ready for...as for me, I'll keep you posted.

Therefore, as I close 2005 and enter 2006 I can only be filled with thanks and awe for how amazing our life is, and thrilled for all that is to come. Stay tuned and watch us grow!

New Face

New Face, originally uploaded by Toson's.

New Years Eve 2005/2006

Fire Fire!!!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

This year we had a dinner party with the Kukla's and Scheryantz's to let the kids play. It was a lot of fun and Ana was mesmorized by the fire.

Here is daddy trying to keep her away, but she is determined.

Christmas 2005: Santa's little helper

Santa's little helper, originally uploaded by Toson's.

More Presents!

More Presents!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

On the Go!

On the Go!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Ana wants so bad to pull up and walk...hopefully this walker will help. She just has a blast with it.

Trying out the New Towel

Trying out the New Towel, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Personalized Chair

Personalized Chair, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Mozart in Training

Mozart in Training, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Grandma and Grandpa got Ana this little piano. She just loves it!!!!

04 January 2006

Daddy and Ana on Christmas Morning


Ooooh!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Mine! Mine!

Mine! Mine!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Playing with the New Presents

Playing with the New Presents, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Chistmas Eve Toson Style

Chistmas Eve Toson Style, originally uploaded by Toson's.

A Toson holiday woudn't be complete without a hike through the woods. Here is Ana enjoying the early morning hike at a local state park Christmas Eve morning.

Christmas Eve Dinner in the new Kitchen

Here is our pre dinner table in our new kitchen. (Had to do it in here since we haven't picked up our dining room table yet.....first on the new year's list).

Justin and I are starting a new tradition- Christmas Eve AT HOME..all are welcome. This year was great with my parents, Justin's Aunt and Uncle and great Grandma Nettie.

Playtime with Pascucci Cousins

Playtime with Pascucci Cousins, originally uploaded by Toson's.

For our early evening Christmas Eve celebration we stopped in at my Aunt and Uncle's (Amy's) to see all my first cousins and their little ones. Ana and Jaden always have a great time playing and it was fun to see cousin Anthony too. Next year will be filled with even more babies, as Jason and the two new little ones will be able to join in. Here is Ana playing with all of Jaden's toys.

Santa and Ana

Santa's Girl, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Here is Ana on Santa's lap again at Lac La Belle.