Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

25 February 2009

Random Winter Shots

Some fresh winter cuts.  These girls LOVE getting their hair cut, even little Tay!

And, jam sessions of course!

And then, there is the BEACH.  Still a frequent in this house.  Although now we play in the giant sand box instead of splashing in the waves.

And, last of all, our Aquarium. Ana still dreams of being a diver so it's nice to have this down the road as well.

Since I've been horrible at updating lately I thought I'd throw out some completely random shots from our last few months.  And looking back over my winter shots I can't help but happily realize that for the first time in my life my winters are ENTIRELY different from anything I've ever lived through and I LOVE IT. (the pathetic thing is that I am still complaining about wanted winter to be over and that I'm SO SICK of the cold)  So for all you people that think you'd miss seasons down here, from my heart I say, "NO, YOU WOULDN'T"!!!

14 February 2009

Fun with Friends

We took them all to Busch Gardens and had a great time even with a chill in the air!

Cuddling together over movie night (while the parents sipped some wine)

Together at last, together forever!

jammin' out to Guitar Hero World Tour!

Our bestest friends from Nashville came in for a long weekend and we had more than a good time.  The weather was a bit cold, but that didn't stop us one bit: Busch Gardens, the beach, jam sessions and LOTS OF LAUGHTER kept us all warm and cozy.  It's great to be together!  WE MISS YOU!

10 February 2009

Saturday Morning Games have begun

For years, we've enjoyed our mellow Saturday mornings, knowing fully that someday they would be over as we too joined the masses of families running around from field to field trying to make every last game and not miss out on that special move.....................  Here we are, still only one field to attack for now, enjoying Saturday mornings with the rest of childbearing Americans as we cheer little Ana Lu on for her first go at team sports- SOCCER!

06 February 2009

Orange Grove

After the ride we stopped at a local family run Orange Grove and added a little local Florida flavor to our afternoon in the hills.

Tour de Orlando- 13th Place

Mile 93: ARE YOU KIDDING????  He's not even TIRED!  Lookin' good babe!

Check him out.  Here are the final stats posted on-line- #13 Mr. Justin Toson.  And, while my little superstitious husband has to point out the unluckiness of the #13 I'm here to tell you there is NOTHING "lucky" about this finish.  Justin is a dedicated cyclist, out in all weathers, all days working his body, honing his skills all with 110% passion and dedication.  You've worked so hard for this dear and deserve all the glory it brings.

The girls sported these hand made shirts for the ride as Daddy's own cheering squad, complete with photo on front and loving words on back.  

Little Ana gleamed with pride all day, running up to Justin, not wanting to leave his side and stating over and over again with full force, "Daddy, I'm SO PROUD of you".  We all are Daddy!

Daddy rode is 1st century bike ride this weekend.  The Tour de Orlando, called "the hilly hundred" by the biking community.  This particular race happened to orchestrate itself around the ONLY hilly landscape here in florida- it's quite reminiscent of the foothills back in Cumming, GA, a type of riding poor Justin hasn't been accustomed to as of late.  However, that didn't bother him ONE BIT.  In fact, with the extremely proud Ana and family as his side, he took 13th place overall with all the climbs.  Let me just say that I drove this course in search for him, and not only was he so fast that I couldn't keep up with him (literally), but I was nervous on these climbs IN THE CAR.  I don't know how you do it honey, but we are PROUD OF YOU!