Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

18 February 2006

On the Move

On the Move, originally uploaded by Ana's mom.

Ana would crawl all over the beach, chase birds and go full speed ahead into the tide, "bubbles" as she called it. FEARLESS!

Yum! Sand is good!

Yum! Sand is good!, originally uploaded by Ana's mom.

Ana couldn't get enough of the sand. She ate it every chance she got.

Daily Elmo dose

Daily Elmo dose, originally uploaded by Ana's mom.

Addy: Look Closely Ana, don't miss this!

Swimming with Cousin Addy

Swimming with Cousin Addy, originally uploaded by Ana's mom.

Playing on the beach

Playing on the beach, originally uploaded by Ana's mom.

15 February 2006

Current Vocabulary

While I'm thinking of it I want to document her 11 month old vocabulary. Which, if you ask me (the unbaised mom I am) is quite AMAZING!

"baby" = baby (when looking at a real baby or a picture of one and pointing)
"deh te" = Dexter and doggie
"at" = cat
"uh oh" = I dropped something (or threw something on the floor)
"wow" = that's neat
"dada" = daddy
"mom" & "ma ma" = mommy
"bah teh" = bottle
"beh ble" = bubbles in the water
"cah cer" = I want a cracker
"dow" = put me down, let me go downstairs, help me sit down,...
"nana" = Ana
"addy" = cousin Addy
"go" with hand point = let's go or you go
"peh tee" = that's pretty
"rah" = answer to "what does a lion say?"
"oo, ooo" = answer to "what does a monkey say?"
signs "more"
signs "all done"
waves "bye bye"
raises hands up for "how big is Ana?"
initiates and signs along with "Itsy Bisty Spider"
signs along with "If You're Happy and You know it"

labels by pointing to: foot, nose, mouth, eye, tree, lamp, light, fan, MANY PEOPLE, monkey, lion, bed, stairs, chair, ....

There is more by the minute, but this is what I've got for sure right now!

Mexico, words and more fevers!

Well we made it home. Our first international flight and trip, and without daddy! It was a success and Ana had a blast. She learned 5 more words (bubble "ba ble", cracker "cak cer, Addy, pretty "pitee", Ana "nana"), but still uses "dow" (down) like it's the cure to world hunger. Such a little talker she is! (I'm thinking peek a boo "pee boo" will be the next one included, but it's still only sparatic so I can't call it a word just yet.)

Her health was fine until the end and then the fever came back. However the sickness held off until the last day. 102/103 it stays, but I'm thinking it might be the 2 molars and one front tooth she's begun working on. Or maybe "homesick" for daddy! We'll see!

I'll save the details of the trip for the upcoming pictures which I still have to sort through, but the kid pool with a mini fountain (bubbles) and the tide on the beach was by far her favorite!

03 February 2006


I'm SO VERY SICK, originally uploaded by Toson's.

This has been a trying week healthwise in our house. A week of 104 degree fevers, turning blue, chest x-rays, pricks, prods and swabs.

It all turned out OK, but let's just say it's good I have a flexible job because I didn't make it in more than 3 hours this week.


I LOVE THE BATH!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

We can't even get Ana undressed anymore before she is trying to climb into the tub. She just loves it!

You go, I go!

You go, I go!, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Ana: Maybe if I smile really big, and act super cute Daddy will take me with him.

Here is Ana trying to sneak into Daddy's suitcase for his snowboarding trip to CO with the boys (his first full week away from Ana...and me).

HELP! I'm in Jail. Let me "DOWN"

HELP! I'm in Jail. Let me "DOWN", originally uploaded by Toson's.

"down", pronounced "dow" in Ana's world, is Ana's new favorite word.

She uses it 100% appropriately to get down...this includes downstairs, down from chairs, high chairs, your lap, shopping carts....

As you can imagine, if you don't put her down she is not very happy, therefore shopping has become quite interesting

My First Bruise

My First Bruise, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Do you see the big yellow bruiser under Ana's right eye? This was a crawling in the bath tub injury that just won't go away.

Party Time

My first birthday party, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Aren't I cute in my party hat? I'm the one in the yellow flower shirt trying to pull my hat off.

My bestest friend Angelina turned 1 and we partied the day away.

Up the stairs I go

Up the stairs I go, originally uploaded by Toson's.

Ana' LOVES to climb the stairs now. She can make it to the top all by herself in under 2 minutes. WATCH OUT!

Door County Hike

Door County Hike, originally uploaded by Toson's.

For Christmas mom and Ana got dad a weekend in Door County. The plan was to snowshoe, but since the weather didn't cooperate we hiked a lot. Here is Ana and Daddy enjoying her new backpack.

She's got rythym..who could ask for anything more

I turned my back to put away a plate and returned to find Ana jammin' away with two spoons, an upside down pot and a pulled out drum set on her very own dishwasher stage.

(Just to make this clear- when I first turned away she was sitting on the floor contentely...so this was ALL on her own! I set NOTHING up for her.)

New face for January

New face for January, originally uploaded by Toson's.

OOOOOHHH so happy! Notice all her teeth. 6 in all.

A natural

A natural, originally uploaded by Toson's.

If this girl isn't musical I'll be shocked. She absolutely loves to dance, bop and make music all in beat and quite purposefully. Look at her intently making the sounds