Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

22 May 2009

Disney Part II- Hollywood Studios

Here is Tay waiting patiently in line.  Lucky for us the lines were never too long.  15 minutes was about Taylor's threshold!

Toy Story Ride with interactive shooting game- VERY FUN and I WON!!!!!!!!

This was one of the few days daddy got to join us and we had a blast.  It was the day before the race, so it also was our only short day with a nap for the girls. We got there right at opening ( 8am) and stayed until 2ish.  One of the benefits of staying on the grounds is that you get to open the park an hour early, therefore beat the crowds- this proved VERY beneficial as we were able to get in all the girls favorites before lunch.  

THe day:
Playhouse Disney live Show
Ariel Show
Toy Story ride/game
LIghtning McQueen
Honey I Shrunk the Kids Playground
Indiana Jones Show (for Gagi)
Storytime with Belle Show

(Melissa and Jeff- Ana talked about you ALL DAY and really wished you were still there- it's amazing how much she remembers about you guys all on her own!!!!!!)


In the evening the guys took the little ones down to downtown Disney for dinner while mom and I prepared for the race.  Our resort was just down a channel of water from Downtown Disney so the gang was able to take a riverboat there.  MORE FUN (of course there are no pictures- dads were in charge!)

21 May 2009

DISNEY Part I- Old Key West Villa

The first day we got into our villa and enjoyed the pool, water slide and all, while we awaited daddy's arrival.  The girls LOVED this water slide and would run back over and over and over again.  Even little Tay!!!!  The entire pool- staff and swimmers- were vocally amazed at how strong of swimmers we had.  Often the poor little girl life guards would stand on point waiting to jump and save one or the other of them, but up they'd pop from some new water trick.  Silly little girls!

Enjoying Playhouse Disney Live

Taylor loved, loved, loved, loved all the characters.  She'd stand in line as long as it took for the next hug and high five.  Here she is with Donald!  It truly was the highlight of her trip!!!!!!!

We have about 200 pictures of Disney and 7 full days to share, so as I sort them through the stories will unfold for you all.  Here is the beginning......

My parents took the girls and I on the vacation that dreams are made of- 1 full week in Disney.  We got a 2 bedroom villa on the grounds and did everything true princesses dream of.

The week started with a triatholon for mom and I, and while the girls grudgingly got up early to cheer us on, I know they were proud of us... I know I AM. It was an exciting memory for mom and I to share and all for a good cause- Breast Cancer, making the UNBEARABLY disgusting lake a little more bearable (it's amazing how quickly inland lake become intolerable when living by the sea)

Anyway we started with the tri and kept the momentum going as we opened and closed each park, every day!!!!!

THANK YOU MOM AND PAUL for the week of our lives!

Stay tuned for MANY MANY MANY more.................

18 May 2009

New Floors

We've changed the floors, teh bathrooms, the lights, the colors.....

FROM THIS..............

TO THIS...........

(next on the list are the window treatments... they too came with the house and MUST GO!)

(OH... and we need a new TV, look how little and cute this one looks now!!)

OK, so you've all been quite patient with us about seeing the home redecorating...... we've made some serious progress and even the girls are happy.  Here are a few shots AT LAST!

07 May 2009

Amy's, not so green, thumb

Well..... for those of you who were lucky enough to be tagged on my "things about me" list on facebook got preview to this............................

It is true- I CANNOT KEEP PLANTER FLOWERS ALIVE.  I've given up.  Now, hanging in the poor baskets place is emptiness.  Which, I promise you, is MUCH prettier than it's previous tenants!

Ana and Taylor have tried to help.  They water for me, they remind me, they talk nice to the plants, but no luck!

05 May 2009

Catch & Release

Taylor and Nina cuddling on the boat.

Ana driving the boat with Papa.

The Girls 1st Fishing experience.....

Call me anti-American.  Call me what you will.  But, I have a inherent lack of understanding for this sport.  Now don't get me wrong.  I love the outdoors.  I love to boat.  I love to be with family relaxing and spending the day bonding over just about anything.  

However, I also happen to really love life, and have a hard time seeing the excitement in dangling a little treat out for some poor innocent fish soul excited to find his/her meal only to be gruesomely hooked, reeled and gawked at and then thrown back in, mouth gaping open where OUR hook, for PURE SPORT, leaves its mark........  

I don't know.  It just seems a bit barbaric.  Like I said, "call me crazy!"

At any rate, we had a great day!  The girls thought of themselves as big kids and really enjoyed this sport that I can't understand.  And, no, I didn't ruin the day for them by sharing my views so don't worry.........

04 May 2009

Does this mean what I think it means..............??????

Welcome to the Graduate Admissions status web site, Amy.

Your application to the University of South Florida is as follows:

Term: Fall 2009

College: Education

Major: Curriculum and Instruction Special Education (click here to visit your program)

Your current application status: Referred - Graduate Doctoral Program, 

please contact the program directly for more information.


Easter 2009- Ft. Myers

03 May 2009

Grandpa Bobby

September 28, 1926 - May 1, 2009