Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

14 September 2005

coughs, teeth and new rooms

Well...the last month has been anything but relaxing for us. Ana has finally cut her second tooth after a month of advil and chewing on everything in sight (including toast and crackers- such a big girl) AND got her first cold. She has handled both well, even amidst a move into Grandma and Grandpa's new house. That's right, we are living with my (Amy's) parents until our house is complete. It has been a nice and relaxing transistion into work hood for me and Ana with the babysitter in house. Which leads me into another large change for Ana this month... that is baby sitters! My work at the Univeristy has officially started, bringing me away from the home Mondays and Tuesdays all day and night, and Wednesday afternoons and night. That means I don't see Ana for more than 15 minutes on Monday and Tuesdays and only in the morning on Wednesdays. So far things have been OK, but I miss her like crazy! However, I know she couldn't be in better hands as she ADORES and is ADORED by my parents- her "official" child care providers! She also gets to spend 2 of her 1/2 days with cousin Addy, whom she also adores and gazes at with glee all day.
Ana is also doing a lot of new "tricks"..sitting up and playing, eating hard foods, rolling from side to side, babbling up a storm, and into EVERYTHING with such intense interest that I think I can see the neurons connecting as she plays! It is such a fun stage, I will be sad as it develops away. Pictures wil have to wait, although we have many, they are locked away in cyberspace due to the packing away of all our cords! (We're living out of suitcases these couple of months)