Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

15 February 2006

Current Vocabulary

While I'm thinking of it I want to document her 11 month old vocabulary. Which, if you ask me (the unbaised mom I am) is quite AMAZING!

"baby" = baby (when looking at a real baby or a picture of one and pointing)
"deh te" = Dexter and doggie
"at" = cat
"uh oh" = I dropped something (or threw something on the floor)
"wow" = that's neat
"dada" = daddy
"mom" & "ma ma" = mommy
"bah teh" = bottle
"beh ble" = bubbles in the water
"cah cer" = I want a cracker
"dow" = put me down, let me go downstairs, help me sit down,...
"nana" = Ana
"addy" = cousin Addy
"go" with hand point = let's go or you go
"peh tee" = that's pretty
"rah" = answer to "what does a lion say?"
"oo, ooo" = answer to "what does a monkey say?"
signs "more"
signs "all done"
waves "bye bye"
raises hands up for "how big is Ana?"
initiates and signs along with "Itsy Bisty Spider"
signs along with "If You're Happy and You know it"

labels by pointing to: foot, nose, mouth, eye, tree, lamp, light, fan, MANY PEOPLE, monkey, lion, bed, stairs, chair, ....

There is more by the minute, but this is what I've got for sure right now!

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