I have a question for all you moms, dads, and other equally invested kid lovers out there: When do you get to announce that your child is "officially" walking?
(1) is it at the first steps?
(2) is it when they take 4-6 steps here and there with A LOT of encouragement and help to initially stabalize
(3) is it when they take off on their own, spontaneously, and use walking as their main form of transportation.
Currently, Ana has progressed from (1) to (2), but is seemingly FAR FAR AWAY from (3).
Each day she is doing more and more. However, it still takes a lot of prep work and encouragement from me. She also hasn't figured out how to get up to standing in the middle of the room. Right now she will get nice and balanced from a permanent fixture, and then with Mommy cheering and luring her on by dangling a favorite toy, or edible object, just out of reach, she walks the necessary 2-6 steps to get desired object X. And then follows the action by an ever so proud, "YEAH", hands clapping away.
(it's quite funny, b.c sometimes she will start yelling "yeah" while she's merely thinking about attempting a step or two, and inevitably gets so excited with the "yeah" that the step never quite formulates into anything more than a tumble or flop- such a ham)
So....do I get to say, "YES! Ana is walking" ?????