Ok. So, not that I'm complaining one bit, but with Ana's ever expanding vocabulary, comes ever expanding demands. Which, without the "to be developed" reasoning ability that IS NOT expanding at the same rate of her vocabulary, is leading to major, "I think I'm 2", temper tantrums.
But ADORABLE they are....
I have to share last nights latest demand.
A little background here:
As you've read Ana loves only one person unrelentlessly in her life- cousin Addy Grace. She calls for her constantly, looks for her picutres, searches Grandma's house daily for her and won't leave her side when together.
So....last night we got back from dinner with the family, but not Addy. Ana wanted to see her. Actually....she DEMANDED to see her. We came in and started all taking coats off while Ana was "sitting" on the floor (so I thought). In reality though, she had crawled to the door, pulled herself to standing and was pulling at the handle stating louder and louder "Go out Addy please" followed by pointing to our car keys hanging next to the door and saying "keys"
This is what we heard:
"Mama. go out Addy peese? Keys."
"Nana [my mom]. Go out Addy peese? Keys."
"Dada. Go out Addy peese? Keys." (repeated for each person in the room more than once)
GO GO OUT ADDY PEEEEEEESE keys" (repeated over and over again)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (with a bright red face and huge crocodile tears)
I had to call my sister first thing this morning to tell her just how badly Ana needs Addy in her life!