This photo is priceless. Look at that look on her face. I came into the room just a few moments later and she was bent over her lap, face down, thumb in mouth, sleeping in the most uncomfortable position ever. She just can't stop exploring. Sad to say, but I think it's time to strip the crib down.
Why is it, whenever children's skills develop to where we want them, we strip them of the tools to utilize their new found skills? HMMMM...something I will have to ponder and work out over time.
14 December 2005
Ummm...what? I'm supposed to be napping! HA!
I can play all by myself, thank you very much
Ana's personality is sure developing into independence quickly. She now truly demands that we allow her to play by herself for the majority of her waking hours. She loves to take big buckets of toys and purposefully pull each one out and examine it carefully. It's quite amazing to watch her brain and hands working together so harmoniously.
Decorating the Tree
To eat or not to eat...that is the question! Ana, as much as she loved to share in our tree decorating craziness, was quite determined to "taste test" every ornament first.
Christmas with Grandpa T
Grandpa and Pat spoiled me rotten this year with lots of "cool" clothes and my favorite so pooh! I wake up full of giggles while it sings away to me.
1st Family Christmas- Chenequa's Santa Brunch
Nina and Papa invited us to share in the Chenqua Santa brunch this year. It was festive as ever and Ana had a hoot, as always, with all her cousins on the Toson side.
Santa's girl
Notice Santa holding Ana's hand....she kept trying to pull off his beard. Smart little thing!
Cole spreading love
Here is cousin Cole giving Ana hugs and kisses. It is so sweet! They are only 8 months apart and will grow up to be such buddies. As you can see, they already are!
Chicago German Christmas
This year we welcomed in the holiday season with the Hentges and Pettit clan. Such fun it was.
Chicago '05
Christmas time is here, and as is tradition with Justin and I we brought in the season in Chicago, the Friday after Thanksgiving, visiting the German Christmas booths and the Tree. It was COLD that day, so Ana stayed bundled up in her cozy stroller.
24 November 2005
Look! I Scoot!
This move has been great for Ana. She is so curious with her new surroundings that a ton of new developments are occuring.
First, SHE IS MOBILE.... the cutest army crawl/side drag you'll ever see.
She is also so interactive: waves "hi" and "bye", snaps her fingers while making a clicking sound with her tongue, and claps when we say "YEAH"! She is truly my little monkey see, monkey do girl.
Such a personality and so much fun.
Time to Baby Proof
Look at that look on her face...this is the first time I had to use "no" with Ana.....SO BUSTED!
Ana's new favorite "scoot to" place is any cord with in sight.....time to baby proof!
Outdoor Chic!
Ana ABSOLUTELY loves the outdoors. Everytime we hit the cold, brisk air her tongue goes out to catch it and she squeals with glee. She's in the right family. Although we didn't make it out to the woods much this year, it's sure to be a favorite family past time.
Gettting ready!
Here is Ana's official "waiting for mom" throne. She thinks it's just a hoot to sit under all the coats. Not sure what I'll do when she figures out how to move off the ledge!
A visit from Grandma Beebs
Justin's mom came to visit from Arizona early this month. She was able to see the new house and spend some great time with Ana. It's always fun to watch Ana get to know another loved one!
My First Halloween: Tender Heart
Ana was mesmorized by Halloween. This is the look she had all night. We went trick or treating with the Kluths and cousin Addy and Grandma and Grandpa. The girls shared a stroller and just took it all in!
It's hard to imagine that in a few years (or less) Ana will be running from door to door. I'm not ready for this growing up thing!
New Sink...New Bath
Here is a glimpse of our new kitchen. Just Ana's size! She gets a kick out of the sprayer.
Night time
It's great living near the family. Grandma and Grandpa frequently do drop-bys for night time kisses. We love it! (Might even make the suburbs worthwhile...for now!!!)
Feeding Self??????
Ana has recently taken to "trying" to feed herself. I think she gets more on her face then in her mouth. Such fun!
01 November 2005
New Home...New Moves!
I'll download some picture tomorrow so stay tuned.
11 October 2005
102 and still kickin'
08 October 2005
Pumpkin Patch
This weekend I took a study break to hit the Elegant Farmer with Ana and Sam's family. Ana had such a blast. She couldn't get enough of the bright orange. We went for a hay ride....which made Ana barf all over... and let the kids play in the patch. Fall really is here, isn't it....funny thing is it was 85 degrees out! Go figure!
Assume the Position
Here you can see the famous "assume the position" sleeping postion Justin and I always refer to. When you see it you better have a bed/couch/floor...close by!!!
Play time in the tent with Angelina
Ana's favorite summer activity (or maybe mommy's) is boating on La Belle. We bring this handy dandy little tent and enjoy the sun. Do you see Ana peeking out in the background?
This time we ended up stranded in the middle of the lake. Angelina's mommy and Grandma (T and Maria) had to push us in. time we'll bring the oars!
06 October 2005
How many toys can I get in my mouth at once?
Ana, at 6 months old, has two teeth and possibly working on some more.
Ana and her boyfriend Sam
Ana had her first babysitter this past week. I had an all day event so Sam and Ana got to play all day together with Sam's mom...and she SURVIVED! The kids had a blast: reading books, playing outside and exploring each others built in toys (the toes)!
Ana: Hey what are you doing with my sock Sam?
Ana: Look Sam, I have the coolest toy to play with!
Sam: Let me see, let me see!
Ana: Take these things off...see MY TOES!
Sam: Yeah, I have those too. FUN STUFF!
14 September 2005
coughs, teeth and new rooms
Ana is also doing a lot of new "tricks"..sitting up and playing, eating hard foods, rolling from side to side, babbling up a storm, and into EVERYTHING with such intense interest that I think I can see the neurons connecting as she plays! It is such a fun stage, I will be sad as it develops away. Pictures wil have to wait, although we have many, they are locked away in cyberspace due to the packing away of all our cords! (We're living out of suitcases these couple of months)
20 August 2005
Rocky Mountain High
Playtime at 5 months
Here is Ana showing off her new tricks: grabbing everything in sight and putting it in her mouth. These toys were originally a meter away from her, but she squiggled her body around and reached for them to pull them into her mouth!
08 August 2005
Can I see some ID please?
Aunt Christie believes in early Ana her first taste of Beck's beer at 4 1/2 months of age is just the start. The Scary thing is Ana LOVED it- well, the bottle anyway. Anytime it was taken away she screamed for it back. YIKES!
Movin' on
It's moving time in the Toson house. We've sold our condo and bought a new construction house that we're building out in Oconomowoc by the family. Ana'a making sure she won't be left behind!
Morning Cuddles
Here you see Ana's daily morning demeanor- cuddly and full of giggles. It's our favorite time of day. Which is why, upsettin to family, we REFUSE to let Ana have sleepovers. We did it once, and couldn't handle missing this morning bonding. Now, if you get her at night, we come too....The Toson package deal we call it!