Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

14 February 2007

Taylor: 8 months

As I've been saying so frequently lately...Taylor really is finding her groove in life. She is so interactive and LOVES LOVES LOVES to play, especially with any toy her big sister has. Some of her favorite games are "splash, splash" in the bath tub (we yell, "splash, splash" and she throws her hands in the tub over and over again), "weeee" (jumping up and down in her Johnny Jump up when we yell, "taylor weeeee") and "peek a boo" (we cover ourselves and she pulls our hands or blanket off our face laughing out loud). i even think she's starting to make some purposeful word approximations (if not, they're great ones to shape- that's how it all starts, right??). DA- dad, BABA- bottle, DAH- doggie, AHDAH- all done, M-more & mom, IE- high. I think there's a few more I'm hearing, but these are the ones I'm sure I hear consistantly in the same situation with the same sounds coming out!

She also has gotten into a great shedule, which is working oh so well with the two of them. 6:30 PM to bed, bottle at 10:30 PM and 3:00 Am, up at 7:30 AM. Down again for a nap at 9:15 - 11:15 and then again at 1:30 - 3:30 (at which time Ana goes down too).

She's inhaling solids and LOVES to feed herself. A favorite lately is the florets of broccoli, shredded cheese, and hamburger (out goes the rule book of what to feed when, we just want this girl to eat)! Puffs, of course, are the all time hit of the house! I think you should all buy stock!

As far as her moves go, she is having a grand 'ol time throwing that body of hers around. She sure can twist and bend to get an object of desire. While she hasn't yet figured out the coordinated motion movement of creeping or crawling, the day is in our near future. For now I'm enjoying a safe home environment and the ability to leave Taylor to play happily by herself (of which she LOVES to do, for long looong stretches of time) with no real danger looming around the corner.

1 comment:

Erin Teplin said...

6:30 P.M. to bed? How lucky are you? We are just done eating dinner then. wow...I'm jealous.

Matthew's newest trick...because he is on a baby food strike as well...he enjoys throwing food on the floor, then laughing, then I cry because we don't have a dog...

I'm so happy you're back on blogger!!!