Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

19 February 2007

Secrets of the South

Is what Savannah GA is known for uncovering after the beloved movie, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". And we have our own little Savannah secret to unfold..... YES, that's right.

Now, before you judge, know this was a QUICK excursion and NO ONE was harmed.
Remember the ending of the past "3 strikes your out" story? Well, the ending wasn't quite as I wrote....

the REAL ending is that we did drive to Savannah (we were almost there, it was nice out, and the girls were sleeping in the car any way) and take a quick stroll around... You know, just to see if it was worth it to make the trip back. And, YES it is! Great city. Can't wait to see more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my English class today we were discussing Monroeville, Mississippi because that is the city that Maycomb is based on (To Kill a Mockingbird). The students were reading an article about how people flock to Monroeville because of the Mockingbird roots but also it's where Truman Capote is from (lived next door to Harper Lee if you care). Anyway, the kids were dumbfounded as to why anyone would want to visit a town where a book took place. Remembering your post I started discussing "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" (god that was a good book!). I'm so glad you were able to go for a little while...it sounded like a beautiful place in the book!

We are going to Chicago in a few weeks and staying at the Hotel Burnham...the architect from "Devil in the White City." I love literary get aways! We did the whole Mark Twain thing in Hannibal MO a few years ago too. Such fun...