Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

18 February 2007

3 Strikes and Your Out!

Strike 1: Croup
Strike 2: RSV
Strike 3: Strep Throat

And out the window went our weekend trip to Historic Savannah, GA. (Daddy's perfect 30th b-day present to mommy, staying in an apartment/suite the heart of it all).

Here's the details:
Friday night was a tough one in this house, with Taylor coughing so violently she would scream and lose her breath all night. This had been building for a week, but given Ana had a similar cough for 2 weeks, we thought, "it's just the sisters sharing the crud" and did nothing about it, carrying on our way Sat. AM to Savannah (which any of you with 2 babies know this IS NOT as easy as hopping in the car). That was until, 2 hours into the drive, we got a call back from the nurse hotline stating they both needed to be seen ASAP (talk about scaring a mom). So off we pulled into the nearest Children's Hospital ER in hopes that we would be labled over paranoid parents and sent on our way, making the ER easy weekend $$, continuing on our weekend Savannah plans. YEAH RIGHT!

This particular ER was in Macon, GA (driving to Atlanta was too far) and we got to experience being a lay person in an ER (we typically are quite spoiled in ER's with our family connections). So 2 hours later; prescriptions for steriods and amoxicyllin in hand, with no invasive test, we were told BOTH girls had each and every classic sympotom of croup (they labled this walking through the door hearing both coughs- I now know exactly what the barking seal cough sounds like), RSV AND strep throat; we headed on our way BACK HOME (bye, bye Savannah).

Since the signs were obvious, it was past nap time and we had already been couped up in an room in the middle GA for too long, we opted out of the lab tests and treated based on symptoms.

Given the circumstances the girls DID GREAT! Really no melt downs or tantrums... AMAZING!

So home we stay until these coughs subside. I guess RSV can get pretty serious and is nothing to mess around about. Besides, it's EXTREMELY contagious! So stay away everyone. We'll call you when we can enter the world again. Until then, MOVIES, MOVIES, MOVIES. (bad timing with daddy leavnig for the entire week, UGH!)

1 comment:

Erin Teplin said...

Oh yes, the hospital photos. So sad. You are such a mom. I bet your camera goes everywhere with you :)