Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

14 December 2006

6 Months

Taylor is sleeping away soundly after her 6 immunizations....why couldn't they have done this right before bedtime tonight?

Here are her 6 mo. Stats:
Weight: 19 lbs. 15 oz (off the chart) (for perspective...Ana currently ways only 5 pounds more)
Height: 27 1/2 inches (95%)
Head: 16 3/4 inches (50%)

So..for those of you whom doubted my entry of 18 mo clothes, here you have it. My little Taya IS the size of a 1.5 year old!!!!!!!!!! Bye, bye bin #4....only one more to go until the girls can share a closet!

Overall she is doing great and has met all milestones. He was really impressed by her interactivness and talking, as well as how quickly she could shift her emotions from laughing, smiling and talking, to screaming, crying and shaking (she turned on him b.c he moved her while she was happily playing with her toes). Let's just say not once did he suggest "crying it out" after that. And so, his reccomendations to my ONE MAJOR concern....sleep... was quite simply, "patience!" THANKS- big help!

Therefore, Justin and I will continue with our every hour tending to our precious Tay Tay, with strong hopes that one day, in the not so distant future, she figures out the joy of night time sleep. Until then, we continue to be amazed at how interested she is at the world around her, and how desperately she wants to be a part of everything around her! Such a buzy little body.

1 comment:

Erin Teplin said...

Sleep little child sleep! Don't you wonder if the shots really make them sleep because the pain they had to endure or if it is really because of the immunizations?

Maybe Tay Tay is supposed to be Ana's twin sister? Old Placenta? Maybe you were carying twins...