Emily Lenee

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

03 December 2006

Reese, Gwen, Lucy, Jack...

New names in our house as Ana lovingly takes to naming her dolls now. It's quite cute. You now can hear her making her dolls have conversations, calling each other by name, playing games, doing each other's hair, feeding each other, ...

She also has independently taught herself lefts and rights. The other day (about a month or more ago now) she was repeatedly kicking her foot proclaiming something in a sing song voice. I didn't think much of it, but this "game" became a favorite all day, for days in a row. Finally I figured it out. She was raising her left foot singing, "left foot, left foot." When I asked her to show me her left foot, she excitedly raised it and then replied with a, "and this is my right foot. This my left hand, that's my right hand." raising each with complete accuracy! She hasn't missed a beat yet! (arms, legs, eyes, ears, elbows, and shoulders have been included now too)

The best part is that she now uses these descriptors to explain which part of hers, ours, her dolls.... body is hurt, stuck, needing help, needing kisses or explaining where to find something (which we can also use, answering her "mom where is ____", with a "It's next to/behind/... your ___ hand or foot"). It has come in quite handy.... more words=less tantrums! There is a light at the end of the toddler tunnel. I wonder if adolescence will prove to be this methodic?

She also thinks she's so funny adding "eeee" to the end of EVERYTHING. Nana is now Nani, Gaga- Gagi. Milk- Milky, Doll-Dolly, juice- juicy, Taylor- Tayee, eat- eatee, play-playee, paint-paintee .... I mean EVERYTHING!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too cute! Lucy is looking forward to playing baby dolls with Ana! Can't wait to see you all!